Saturday 11 October 2014

Death: An Adoration

Lie down in peace, as the world you've lost,
Lie down in peace, as there aren't any costs.
Lie down, submerge yourself within the moist earth,
Lie down now! You have fought enough for yourself since birth.

Lie down in peace dear, death isn't that bad,
It’s calm, it’s dark, it’s silent but not sad.
The troubles you had, the restlessness, the bane,
All will be gone, no more worries, no more pain.

Drown, bury or turn to ash,
Do your part to get rid of the lash.
Venom or a caliber, blood red or blue,
Death doesn’t discriminate, which colour are you.

Money, love, lust or fame,
No matter if you were rugged or aced the game.
Everyone lies down on the same barren land,
No matter you begged or had a life so grand.

Death comes as a celebration when you had lived a worthy life,
Pessimists take it as sorrow, as an eternal strife.
Try giving the world the best your life can give,
And embrace death, while among the people you still live.

Death confronts with your own self you never knew,
The choices you could take but you opted so few.
So lie down for a cause, with a pride and live,
And lie down fighting for what you believe.

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